I can leave the house for 20 minutes or an hour and come back and get the same excited and warm greeting all over again. Our poodles and dogs give us so much in return. Whenever we call their name or look right into their eyes, the spark of love begins to fill the room and I can just feel the connection between my wonderful little poodle and myself strengthen.
Why do poodles unconditional love us
Naturally, no two poodles or two dogs are alike. Sometimes people will adopt a stray or a shelter animal as a pet and it is not as social or friendly towards everyone the same way. Some dogs require a little more than others but in general, dogs have an extraordinary capacity to show unconditional love for their companions than practically any human being can.Dogs also show unconditional love when we get upset with them. They might put their head down and realize what they did was wrong. They might then come up to you and lick your face or give you their paw to show you that they are extremely sorry for what they have done. Maybe your dog is lying in your favorite chair or sitting area that you would like to sit in. You ask him or her to move and your dog obediently does what you want them to. They move to another resting area without any complaint whatsoever.Poodles and dogs of all breeds also are our protectors and warn us of intruders and people who come up to our door before they even knock or ring the bell. I have read many real stories of dogs who have been truly life savers and heroes, warning people of a fire in the middle of the night and saving entire households and families who might have been killed in their sleep.
We might call their name and our dog comes running up to us, wagging his or her tail wildly. They are showing us how much they care and how happy they are that you are giving them some kind of attention.
Sometimes we might just dismiss or take for granted the unconditional love that our dog shows us constantly. We should always be aware of it and show how much we do appreciate it because one day our dog might not be there waiting for us at the door because God has decided to take him or her. You do not want to have any regrets so take the time out to show your dog the unconditional love that he or she has shown you.
Read the entire article here
There are also stories of bravery far beyond the imagination such as the dog who took a bullet by getting in between a would-be robber and it's human companion and owner. Many times, a dog will happily risk it's life to save the life of it's owner or friend. The loyalty and deep love our pooches have for us is truly miraculous.
There was a story in 2008 of a poodle-mix who saved a baby's life that it had found left in the frigid cold in Canada. The story about Peeka, the Lhasa Apso-Poodle appeared in goodnewsblog.
Peeka, a five-year-old Lhasa Apso poodle, began to whine and bark incessantly at the back door of the family home on the morning of Feb. 3, 2007. Peeka would not let up until owner Ed Anderson decided to look outside and see whether there was a reason for the animal’s outburst.Stories like this and many more come to mind when we think of how selfless and compassionate our poodles and our canine companions can be.
There on the back porch, in the –29 C weather, Anderson spotted a sleeping infant girl, wrapped in a towel and a comforter.
Anderson called police while his wife, a registered nurse, cared for the baby.
See the original story here
We humans may never fully understand why do poodles unconditional love us in the way that they do, but we are certainly aware of the wonderful gift that love is in our lives.
Please share this post with others who might also feel strongly about the unconditional love our dogs have for us.
Here is a DVD that I am sure will melt your heart and it is all about the unconditional love dogs shower us with. It is available through our Amazon link here.
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