Monday, June 25, 2012

Your poodle and diabetes

We all know about the killer disease known as diabetes.  In many cases it is manageable but for far too many, it is a deadly disease which claims many lives each and every year.

But, the sad fact is, that many poodles and other dog breeds are at risk just like humans are.  As far as your poodle and diabetes is concerned, it is a disease that is rather common in dogs.  According to the webmd statistics, the most common breeds of dogs that are affected are Golden Retrievers, German Shepherd Dogs, Miniature Schnauzers, Keeshonden, and Poodles, but all breeds of dogs can get diabetes.

Your poodle and diabetes

Poodles can have diabetes, too
Diabetes is a disease of the pancreas and it is caused when there is an inadequate production of insulin, which is the job of the islet cells.  Insulin is required for the glucose to pass into cells, where it produces energy for the dog's metabolism.  A deficiency in insulin can result in hyperglycemia, which is high blood sugar.  It is also the cause of glycosuria, or, high urine sugar.  Too much glucose in the urine is the reason your poodle or dog will urinate excessively and also become dehydrated and drink lots of water.
If you suspect a problem with diabetes in your poodle, take it to your vet for blood testing.  Some of the more severe symptoms of advanced diabetes are loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting and even coma.
One of the worst things you can do for your dog is to let it be overfed or gain too much weight.  A poodle's weight should be around 45 to 70 pounds for standard poodles and around 14 to 17 pounds for a miniature poodle.  Overfeeding can lead to an overweight dog, which is a bad state for a dog to be in.  Overweight and obese dogs are much more at risk for diabetes than if they were in the normal weight range.
From Webmd, this is what they had to say about the treatment of diabetes for your poodle:
Dietary control and daily injections of insulin can regulate most diabetic dogs, allowing them to lead active, healthy lives. Oral hypoglycemic agents used for treating diabetes in people have not been effective in dogs, but research is continuing in this area.
Insulin requirements cannot be predicted solely on the basis of the dog’s weight, because the degree of pancreatic failure is different in every dog. The daily insulin dose must be established for each individual. In the newly diagnosed diabetic, insulin therapy is started at home. After a week of treatment, the dog is brought back to the clinic and a blood glucose curve (a series of blood sugar tests drawn over 12 to 24 hours) is obtained to see when the blood glucose peaks and hits its lows. Refinements are then made in the dosage and timing of the injections. How to prepare and inject the insulin will be explained to you by your veterinarian. You may be asked to monitor urine glucose levels by collecting urine samples and using a test strip (a small piece of paper that indicates the glucose levels in urine).
Read from the original article here

When it comes to your poodle and diabetes, diet and nutrition is key, as well as proper food intake.  Too much food and too many treats are not going to be very good for your poodle's health in the long run.
Keep this advice in mind and please share this with others so they can know the dangers of diabetes in poodles as well.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Singing and piano playing poodle - A Video

Here's something you just don't see every day, which is a singing and piano playing poodle in action.  I think my poodle will need some lessons to get this down.  Is it a trained poodle doing tricks or just having fun with music? 
It's really funny to watch this poodle sing and play, not just hit a couple keys.  Maybe he is doing ear training for poodles.  Watch and enjoy this video of this cute and talented poodle that plays piano and sings.   It is sure to bring a smile to your face.

Singing and piano playing poodle


Please be sure to LIKE and share this one and let your friends enjoy this video too!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

TV show writer punched his poodle to death

A disturbing and sad story has made the news that a TV show writer punched his poodle to death.  Ted Shuttleworth, a former writer for the TV series NYPD, was arrested on Saturday in Queens, NY.  He apparently got upset with his tiny poodle and punched it in the face.
toy poodle
It makes me ill to think he hit a tiny dog like this toy poodle

TV show writer punched his poodle to death

The poor little poodle died from brain trauma.  The dog was only around four pounds and it really makes me ill to think about it.  This is a pretty clear case of vicious animal abuse.  A 230 pound man hitting a four pound dog and killing it sounds to me like the murder of an innocent defenseless poodle.
Maybe the felony provision under NY state law code (section 353-A) should have been enforced.  This is what it states:
A person is guilty of aggravated cruelty to animals when, with no justifiable purpose, he or she intentionally kills or intentionally causes serious physical injury to a companion animal with aggravated cruelty. For purposes of this section, “aggravated cruelty” shall mean conduct which: (i) is intended to cause extreme physical pain; or (ii) is done or carried out in an especially depraved or sadistic manner.
Above from
The news headlines about the TV show writer who punched his poodle to death is now all over the internet and has many of us poodle and dog owners upset of the incident.  I think Mr Shuttleworth should be given a long rest behind bars and given some time to think about what he did to that poor animal.
What are your thoughts?  Do you have an opinion on this story?  We would like to hear what you have to say.
Pass this on to others by hitting the facebook share button.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Do Poodles Really Have A Soul?

Have you ever considered the question Do Poodles Really Have A Soul? I have thought a great deal about this as far as my animal companions are concerned and I, for one, am absolutely sure that my cats and my poodle have souls. There is a lot of debate among various religious, scientific and philosophical communities about this but I am convinced that we humans do not have a monopoly on having a soul.

Our poodle Lucy has a soul for sure.

Do poodles really have a soul?

I can tell you that I have never heard of a kitten abusing a human or a puppy leaving a person tied to a tree and left to be hungry, dehydrated and dying from a leash that was too tight around it's neck. So, if humans have souls and are capable of such cruelty and abuse, it's only logical to conclude that animals must have souls since they are so much more gentle and compassionate than humans. Of course, there is brutality in the animal kingdom, but it's mainly for survival and animals kill for food and not for more money, property or profits, like we do.

Aside from the philosophical debate, there are many people in the field of Animal Communication or inter-species communication, like the pioneer Penelope Smith, who has worked with animals for decades. Her books are both fascinating to read and are extremely educational on the subject of the soul journey of animals and how they think and feel about us. Animal communicator Val Heart explains how animals can read us intuitively like we would read a book. They pick up on exactly what is going on with us and reflect back to us with a wide range of emotions like stress, grief, empathy and compassion. From her website, she has the following to say about the way our poodles and pets mirror us.
It's also possible that your pets are acting out. In which case, you should know that sometimes YOU are your pet’s biggest problem! Your animal partners are in many ways your best friends, the beings who know and love you better than anyone else. Unfortunately, they also mirror (reflect and sponge up) your issues and woundings, reflecting your pain and anger, sponging your grief, sadness and dis-ease. When they get sick or act out with behavior that is inappropriate and even life threatening, they are asking for help, telling us that the load they are carrying for us is more than they can bear.
Read more from the original article here 

If you are still asking does your poodle have a soul, I think it is ultimately up to your own heart to guide you to the answer that is true for you. Like most of us poodle and pet owners, we think of ourselves as caretakers and companions to our animals, pooches, poodles, pups, kittens, birds and such. My babies are my four-legged children and my family members and soul mates. They are not pets, but animal companions.

I will end with a wonderful quote from author Robert Louis Stevenson who says it best this way: "You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us." Robert Louis Stevenson

If you are looking for a great book about the soul of animals and dogs look no further. Pick up a copy of one of the best books found anywhere written by Penelope Smith called "Animals In Spirit". You can get it through our Amazon link below.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why do poodles unconditional love us

Have you ever wondered why do poodles unconditional love us?  What is it about poodles and dogs that gives them the capacity for such unconditional love and affection, each and every day, without question.  It is truly something special that our animal companions offer to us happily.

I can leave the house for 20 minutes or an hour and come back and get the same excited and warm greeting all over again.  Our poodles and dogs give us so much in return.  Whenever we call their name or look right into their eyes, the spark of love begins to fill the room and I can just feel the connection between my wonderful little poodle and myself strengthen.
woman with her poodle
The unconditional love our poodles have for us is inspiring

Why do poodles unconditional love us

Naturally, no two poodles or two dogs are alike.  Sometimes people will adopt a stray or a shelter animal as a pet and it is not as social or friendly towards everyone the same way.  Some dogs require a little more than others but in general, dogs have an extraordinary capacity to show unconditional love for their companions than practically any human being can.
Dogs also show unconditional love when we get upset with them. They might put their head down and realize what they did was wrong. They might then come up to you and lick your face or give you their paw to show you that they are extremely sorry for what they have done. Maybe your dog is lying in your favorite chair or sitting area that you would like to sit in. You ask him or her to move and your dog obediently does what you want them to. They move to another resting area without any complaint whatsoever.
We might call their name and our dog comes running up to us, wagging his or her tail wildly. They are showing us how much they care and how happy they are that you are giving them some kind of attention.
Sometimes we might just dismiss or take for granted the unconditional love that our dog shows us constantly. We should always be aware of it and show how much we do appreciate it because one day our dog might not be there waiting for us at the door because God has decided to take him or her. You do not want to have any regrets so take the time out to show your dog the unconditional love that he or she has shown you.
Read the entire article here
Poodles and dogs of all breeds also are our protectors and warn us of intruders and people who come up to our door before they even knock or ring the bell.  I have read many real stories of dogs who have been truly life savers and heroes, warning people of a fire in the middle of the night and saving entire households and families who might have been killed in their sleep.
There are also stories of bravery far beyond the imagination such as the dog who took a bullet by getting in between a would-be robber and it's human companion and owner.  Many times, a dog will happily risk it's life to save the life of it's owner or friend.  The loyalty and deep love our pooches have for us is truly miraculous.
There was a story in 2008 of a poodle-mix who saved a baby's life that it had found left in the frigid cold in Canada.  The story about Peeka, the Lhasa Apso-Poodle appeared in goodnewsblog.

Peeka, a five-year-old Lhasa Apso poodle, began to whine and bark incessantly at the back door of the family home on the morning of Feb. 3, 2007. Peeka would not let up until owner Ed Anderson decided to look outside and see whether there was a reason for the animal’s outburst.
There on the back porch, in the –29 C weather, Anderson spotted a sleeping infant girl, wrapped in a towel and a comforter.
Anderson called police while his wife, a registered nurse, cared for the baby.
See the original story here
Stories like this and many more come to mind when we think of how selfless and compassionate our poodles and our canine companions can be.

We humans may never fully understand why do poodles unconditional love us in the way that they do, but we are certainly aware of the wonderful gift that love is in our lives. 

Please share this post with others who might also feel strongly about the unconditional love our dogs have for us.

Here is a DVD that I am sure will melt your heart and it is all about the unconditional love dogs shower us with.  It is available through our Amazon link here.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Protecting your poodle from ticks and fleas

The more time that your poodle or dog spends outdoors, the more likely it is that it will be exposed to fleas and ticks.  That is why it is so important you take steps towards protecting your poodle from ticks and fleas.

Ticks are particularly dangerous since their saliva contains pathogens and diseases that could be extremely bad for a dogs health, such as lyme disease, which can cause serious problems.
poodle with a veterinarian
If your poodle has been bitten by a tick, bring it to your vet right away

Protecting your poodle from ticks and fleas

There are products you can use on your pet for protection such as frontline, which is one of the most well known of these products.  The drawback is that it contains powerful neurotoxins which many people do not like to use because of the toxicity of this formula.  There are some natural products and home remedies or concoctions that will do the job just about as effectively.  You can also choose to get a flea and tick collar, which is a little better than applying the frontline directly to your dog's coat and skin.
I have read that adding a small amount of apple cider vinegar to your poodle's or dog's water dish will help greatly as a natural flea and tick repellant.  Others suggest adding some of the B-complex vitamins to your pet's water to help reduce the risk of getting bitten by parasites.
Essential oils can be used very effectively to prevent and repel ticks and fleas as well.  Here are some of the ones that are recommended by some experts.
You can use any of them or combine a few together.  The ones that are most often used are citronella, cedar, lavender, lemongrass, eucalyptus, peppermint, rosewood, thyme, oregano, juniper, myrrh and geranium oils.
If your dog is bitten by a tick, it is pretty easily removed if you do it properly.  Try to get into the habit of inspecting your pooch regularly for ticks and if you do daily brushing or grooming, just look your pup over thoroughly to see if there are any unwanted guests.

Here are the suggested steps to safely remove a tick from your dog from
  • Use latex exam gloves to examine your pet for ticks. Examine using good lighting.
  • Check your pet daily for ticks by thoroughly feeling for any lumps under the hair. Pay close attention to ears, around face, eyes, legs, and belly.
  • Ticks will range in size from the size of a sesame seed to the size of a fingernail (engorged).
  • When is tick is found embedded in the skin, use a fine pointed tweezers at the point of attachment, and grasp the tick head firmly. Remember to wear latex gloves when doing this.
  • Using slow, steady, and firm traction, pull the tick straight out from the skin.
  • It is critical to NOT squeeze the tick body at any time -- this can inject more potential pathogens in to you or your pet while the tick is embedded.
  • Cleanse the skin with mild soap and water.
  • If a small part of the tick breaks off, you can try to remove it as you would a splinter, but it is probably best to leave it alone. The body will 'eject' it in time.
  • Place the tick in a jar of alcohol, noting the date, in case of future illness. Tick identification and location of tick infestation will be important.
The original article may be found here.
Take a look at the video below on the proper way to remove a tick from the body of your dog.  You can use a tick remover or a pair of tweezers.  Do it carefully and be sure to remove the tick straight out without squeezing the body.  This will only inject more pathogens into the dogs bloodstream.  Using latex gloves is recommended, so you do not come into direct contact with the tick.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Treating your poodle for a bee sting

If your poodle happens to be stung by an insect like a wasp or a bee, here are some tips as to  treating your poodle for a bee sting.  Naturally, you will probably want to call your vet, but in the immediate time frame,  here are some of the things that can help.  The good news is, that in most cases, bee stings are not that harmful, and are only fatal in extreme cases, which are pretty rare.

With the summer weather here and the insects are out in greater numbers, there is always the possibility of your poodle or dog getting stung by a wasp or a bee.  This has already happened to our miniature poodle, Lucy this year.  Fortunately for her, her reaction to the sting was relatively minor, although she did suffer some trauma.

Poodles and all dogs, in general, are playful and curious creatures.  Lucy actually likes to follow the bees and she just seems to want to play with them in an innocent way.  Naturally, we are always on the watch for bees and keep a very close eye on her when we are outside in the back yard or on our walks.  If we see her go near a bee, we just pull her back and away from it.
poodle outdoors
Does this poodle want to play with the bee that is flying around in the grass?

Treating your poodle for a bee sting

Sometimes we just can't be there every time and now and then a bee will sting your poodle or dog.  The usual places they get stung are on the body, or face or ears.  Occasionally, as sting inside the mouth will happen, which are the most dangerous to the health of your dog.
Symptoms can range from mild to severe.  In extreme cases, death can occur, but this is rare.  Some of the signs of being bitten by a stinging insect are trembling and weakness, which can resemble a seizure.  Diarrhea, vomiting and possibly going completely limp can also be a dog's reaction to being stung by a bee.
If you find the stinger still in your poodle's body, carefully remove it with a flat object like a credit card.  Don't try to use a tweezer to remove it as it could break and cause exposure to even more venom.  You can put a little baking soda and water on the area that is stung, if it is swollen.  Even a small cold pack will help ease the swelling to a bump.
The best thing to do is to take your dog to the vet, where it can be examined and the veterinarian will make a diagnosis and determine the best treatment for the sting.  Our vet, who is a holistic veterinarian, suggested using something called Rescue Remedy.  It is an homeopathic remedy, sometimes known as "calming essence" as well.  We gave it to our poodle every hour that day and she was fine within several hours.
From dog-health-today, here is what they said about the possibility of the use of Benadryl, which a lot of people have asked about using for bee stings.
Benadryl (Diphengydramine), a medicine used to treat allergies in people, is often used by veterinarians in treating bee stings in dogs. If a dog is showing signs of an allergic reaction, an injectable form of Benadryl is often used by the vet because it will act faster than the oral form. The vet will often prescribe a follow-up dose or two of oral Benadryl once the dog is home.
Benadryl is usually dosed at 1 mg per 1 lb. of body weight. One Benadryl tablet is 25 mg. It is a good idea to keep Benadryl in your doggie first aid kit. It is an important aid in treating bee stings in dogs.
Depending on the severity of a dog's allergic reaction, your vet may use additional supportive measures, such as an injection of Dexamethasone, a synthetic form of prednesone, a steroid. Dexamathasone provides a potent anti-inflammatory therapeutic action.
A dog in anaphylactic shock will receive respiratory and cardiovascular support. Fluids will be aggressively administered to counter low blood pressure. If the dog is having trouble breathing, a breathing tube will be placed in his throat or a surgical incision may be made directly into the dog's trachea. Oxygen will be administered if needed.An antibiotic may be administered to prevent the development of secondary bacterial infections.
A dog recovering from anaphylactic shock needs to have his conditioned monitored at a pet hospital for up to 48 hours prior to being released.
Original story found here
Treating your poodle for a bee sting may not require the use of Benadryl.  It all depends on the severity of the reaction and your veterinarian's diagnosis of the situation.  Using a cold compress, or putting some baking soda and water on the area that was stung is good for the meantime, but get your poodle or dog to the vet quickly to be sure there is nothing else needed as far as treatment is concerned.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Feeding your poodle a vegetarian diet

For thousands of years, many people have lived long and healthy lives being vegetarians or even vegans.   Have you ever wondered about feeding your poodle a vegetarian diet?  By now you must have heard about the long list of pet foods that have been recalled and the salmonella scare concerning many dry food brands.  Is a vegetarian diet for your dog a healthy option or not?

How about the story of Bramble.  She was a 27-year-old border collie whose vegan diet of rice, lentils, and organic vegetables.  She is in actually in the Guinness Book of World Records and she holds the official record for the world's oldest living dog in 2002. 

It is true, and yes, you can feed and make your own vegan and vegetarian meals for your poodle.  Gary Null, who is a best-selling author, nutritionist and expert in the field of natural health, writes that dogs (including poodles) can do very well living on a vegan diet.  His book "Natural Pet Care" has some recipes which have foods like yams, oatmeal and honey and grated carrots as some of the ingredients included in them.

Feeding your poodle a vegetarian diet had this to say, when it comes to the question of giving your poodle or dog a vegetarian or vegan diet.
Some people wonder if it’s “unnatural” to omit meat from the diet of a dog.  Wild dogs are scavengers; a dog is, by genus, metabolically classified as a carnivore.
However, they are omnivores—which means you can safely raise your dog on a vegan diet.
In any case, if you are feeding your dog commercial dog food, then you could be jeopardizing your furry pal’s health. Pet food often contains animal by-products deemed by U.S. Department of Agriculture inspectors as “unfit for human consumption.” This includes the flesh of animals who fall into one of the categories of the four D’s—dead, dying, diseased or disabled.

Original article may be found here
Those are pretty strong words in the last paragraph, but I cannot argue with them.  I don't mean to insult any meat eaters out there, and I am not a vegetarian, myself.  But I do know that the vegan diet and lifestyle is a very healthy one, and probably better than a diet which includes a lot of meat, dairy and animal fats.

Try making a couple of recipes at a time and adding it as a treat or snack.  Maybe throw a vegan dish in once a week as a replacement for the usual dinner for your pup.  I'm sure if it's made from tasty fresh ingredients, that your dog will eat it happily.  After all, your dog may be a little tired of eating the same old thing in day in day out, so a change might be refreshing.
poodle eating
Could this poodle be a vegetarian?

Feeding your poodle a vegetarian diet and getting off on the right "paw" starts with a little background and education on the subject and here's a very good video by Trudy Pachon on exactly how to get started.  It covers quite a bit of the basics, including what kinds of ingredients you will want to use and the nutritional requirements of dogs that need to be satisfied.

Why not share this article with some friends who might also like to know that there are healthy alternatives to a diet of commercial dog food and that homemade vegetarian dog food is actually really healthy for your dog.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Choosing the right kind of dog food for your poodle

Choosing the right kind of dog food for your poodle can be quite a challenge when there are dozens of choices of dog food brands available. 
It is hard enough to select the best dog food that is a good fit for your puppy or adult poodle, but now more than ever, we have to be very careful about which food we serve up to our pup.  There are many dog food brands that are on the recall list and you need to know which ones they are.

dog food for poodle
A Poodle at mealtime
Recently on a visit to my sister in law, Lucy began munching away at their dog's food bowl.  She is usually a very picky eater for a poodle, so I asked about what kind of dog food they were giving to their dog.  It was the "freedom" style of grain free food from the Blue Buffalo brand.  The ingredients looked great and had no grains in their recipe.  It was full of sweet potatoes, carrots, blueberries and cranberries.  She gobbled it up.  But when we decided to give it a try and switch her from her regular grain free dry food to this one, she developed a whopper of an allergy.  She scratched and scratched herself silly until we had to call the vet to find out what to do.  Finally it became clear it was the food. 
As good as this food might be, all of those dozens of ingredients made it impossible to isolate which one was the culprit and made her skin itchy, to the point of scratching non-stop for days.
When we switched to the old food, she went back to normal and stopped scratching after just a few days off of the food.  So you have to be careful with certain brands and it really depends on allergies as well as nutritional needs.  Many of the brands have good food and some are better than others.  But be aware that if there are too many ingredients and supplements in food, that more is not always better.

Choosing the right kind of dog food for your poodle

Do your best to get a good grain-free type of food for your poodles.  Dogs were not meant to eat things like oats, wheat, corn and other grains that can be found in some brands of dog food.   Meat and vegetables are what they need for nutritional requirements.  Some poodles do better with wet food and some with dry or both.  Lucy happens to be a little picky, but she likes the dry kibble.
We raised her as a puppy on raw meat, especially made for dogs.  Our veterinarian has a brand that they make in-house that is made with tripe and is very high grade raw food for dogs.  She turns her nose at it most days.  We tried other brands of raw and sometimes she loves it and sometimes she could care less and go without eating.
Then there are the numerous dog food recalls that have been in the news so much lately.  Tons of reports of salmonella poisoning have been in the news lately, mostly from dog food made at the Diamond Food company.  Initially, there was a voluntary recall of certain brands of their dog food, including a few varieties of Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul formulas with best-by dates of January 27 or 28, 2013.  To date, there are over 40 varieties of dog food included in a massive dog food recall.
Here is a list of dog food recalls and dates associated with the various brands included in the recall from
  • Diamond Issues Yet Another Dog Food Recall (5/18/2012)
  • Solid Gold Dog Food Recall (5/8/2012)
  • Apex Dog Food Recall (5/7/2012)
  • Diamond Dog Food Recall Summary (5/6/2012)
  • Canidae Dog Food Recall (5/5/2012)
  • Wellness Dog Food Recall (5/5/2012)
  • Natural Balance Dog Food Recall (5/5/2012)
  • Kirkland Dog Food Recall (5/5/2012)
  • Diamond Dog Food Recall Expands Again (5/4/2012)
  • Diamond Dog Food Recall Widens (4/30/2012)
  • Diamond Dog Food Recall Expanded (4/26/2012)
  • Diamond Dog Food Recall (4/6/2012)
  • Petrus Dog Food Recall (12/28/2011)
  • Arrow Brand Dog Food Recall (12/12/2011)
  • Advanced Animal Nutrition Recalls Dog Food (12/9/2011)
  • Two Dog Food Brands Recalled by Cargill (12/7/2011)
  • Iams Recalls Puppy Food (12/6/2011)
  • Iams Pet Food Recall Mysteriously Removed by Retailer (11/27/2011)
  • FDA Issues Dog Treats Warning (11/18/2011)
  • Recalled Soy Possibly Linked to Dog Food (10/7/2011)
  • Merrick Recalls Dog Treats (8/9/2011)
  • Bravo Recalls Pig Ears Dog Chews for Salmonella (6/1/2011)
  • PrimeTime and KC Beefhide Pig Ears Recalled (5/18/2011)
  • Diggers Natural Treats Recalled for Salmonella (5/18/2011)
  • Pig Ears Recalled Due to Possible Salmonella (5/4/2011)
  • Jones Natural Chews Pig Ears Recall (3/9/2011)
  • Merrick Pet Treats Recalled for Salmonella (1/30/2011)
  • Kroger Dog Food Recalled for Aflatoxin (12/19/2010)
  • Blue Buffalo Dog Food Recall (10/8/2010)
  • Hartz Naturals Real Beef Dog Treats Recall (9/5/2010)
  • Merrick Expands Dog Treats Recall (8/16/2010)
  • Merrick Expands Recall of Dog Treats (8/4/2010)
  • Eukanuba and Iams Dog Food Recall (8/1/2010)
  • Merrick Dog Treats Recall (7/6/2010)
  • Pro-Pet Vitamin Recall Expanded (7/5/2010)
  • Pro-Pet Vitamin Supplement Recall (6/23/2010)
  • Natural Balance Dog Food Recall 2010 (6/19/2010)
  • Nature’s Variety Dog Food Recall Expanded (3/9/2010)
  • Nature’s Variety Dog Food Recall (2/14/2010)
  • Merrick Dog Treats Recalled for Salmonella (1/15/2010)
  • Pet Carousel Dog Treats Recalled (12/10/2009)
  • PetsMart Updates Salmonella Recall (11/10/2009)
  • FDA Recalls Pet Carousel Treats (11/6/2009)
  • PetsMart Recalls Dentley’s Beef Hooves (11/5/2009)
  • Wysong Dog Food Recall Expanded (11/4/2009)
  • Wysong Dog Food Recall (10/13/2009)
  • Nutro Dog Food Recall (10/4/2009)
Read more from the original story here
This is a massive list of dog food brands that have been recalled.  It is alarming and downright disturbing that this many types of food out on the market could be tainted and harmful.  There have been numerous cases of humans getting sick from just handling the food.  Some people have even ended up hospitalized for sickness due to handling the dog food.

Here is the link to the FDA's own report on the deplorable conditions of the Diamond Pet Food Company.
Get the FDA report here

Here's some savory advice from webmd on the subject of choosing the right dog food for your poodle.

2. What is dog food made of?

Dog food ingredients vary, depending on the manufacturer and the brand, but most meet standards set by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). Those standards cover protein, which supplies necessary amino acids; fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

Depending on the manufacturer, the food could contain protein from animal and/or plant sources, grains or other types of carbohydrates, fat, moisture, vitamins, and minerals. The FDA is responsible for ensuring that pet foods are safe and labeled appropriately.
3. How do I choose a high-quality dog food?

Check the label first for the AAFCO nutritional adequacy statement, which indicates the food provides complete and balanced nutrition. It should also include the life stage for which the food is appropriate. Life stages include growth (appropriate for puppies), adult maintenance, gestation/lactation, senior (appropriate for older dogs), and “all life stages.” A food labeled for all life stages can be used throughout a dog’s life, from weaning through adulthood.

When choosing a food, look for one that fits your pet’s flavor preferences, lifestyle, medical conditions, and environment, says Susan Wynn, DVM, AHG, a nutritionist for Georgia Veterinary Specialists in the Atlanta area and a clinical resident in small animal nutrition with the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine.

Use the food for six to eight weeks to see how it affects your dog, says Wakshlag, who accepts some research funding from a major pet food manufacturer. Good signs: A shiny coat and a pet that looks healthy. If the dog is producing a large volume of stools or develops diarrhea, he may have problems digesting a food. If a dog has skin, ear, joint, or other problems, try another food to see if there’s a connection, Wynn says.
Original article may be found here
For sure, when it comes to choosing the right kind of dog food for your poodle, it might just be a process of elimination.  Which foods are NOT on the current pet food recall list and which ones might appeal to your poodle.  Always go for a grain free formula first, and as a last resort, use a dog food with as little grains as possible.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Brushing and grooming your poodle

As a poodle owner, you probably already know that brushing and grooming your poodle are both very important for keeping a poodles coat soft and looking great.  It's also very easy to get it's hair in a tangled mess if brushing is not done daily.

Grooming should be done in regular intervals which should be no less frequently than every 4 to 6 weeks in general.  Some poodles will grow hair faster than others, but usually every 4 weeks is a good idea.  Poodles are fairy high maintenance, as far as the coat is concerned, and if not properly kept, it will get matted and tangled easily.

Brushing and grooming your poodle

Poodles are high maintenance dogs and require around 10 to 15 minutes at a minimum of brushing and combing.  If you can, brush the coat and comb the hair as well.  This will really ensure that the coat does not get matted.  If you brush your dog's coat but do not comb it, it can still get mats.
Our miniature poodle freshly groomed and brushed.
Don't make the assumption that if your dog gets groomed once a month or every four weeks, that you do not have to brush it every day.  It is very important to do this or the undercoat will become matted.  When your poodle is a puppy, begin the brushing daily to acquaint your dog with having it's coat brushed.  Be gentle and do not dig in or scrape the skin, but gently brush evenly and your dog will take to it nicely.

Here are some suggestions for keeping the proper grooming schedule from

Grooming a poodle is very important, and though there are varying opinions on appropriate schedules, a good general rule is that poodles ought to be groomed around every three to five weeks for maximum results. This does not mean that you can slack off, however, as you need to brush a poodle every day to keep the long hair these dogs have free from tangling and matting, which can be harmful to a poodle’s coat.

If your poodle is a puppy, expect to spend more time grooming and brushing, as their hair will become tangled much faster than an adult’s will. If you don’t devote a good deal of time to professional and at home grooming routines your dog will grow to absolutely despise visiting the dog groomer.

A professional dog groomer or grooming salon can also provide other necessary grooming services including shampoos, nail clipping, teeth brushing (which should be done as often as possible), ear cleaning, and other good health and hygiene services.
Read more from this article here
If you are going to be getting your first dog,  brushing and grooming your poodle may seem like a lot of work, which it is.  Some people do their own grooming at home, but many choose to find a good poodle groomer locally.  I have an excellent one nearby and she has done many top show dogs and is an expert groomer, who specializes in poodle grooming. 

The daily home maintenance is really important as far as brushing goes, and how good of a job you do on your pooch at home, will make a difference in keeping the hair and coat free of getting matted and in knots. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Strap your poodle in the car in NJ or pay huge fines

You had better strap your poodle in the car in NJ or pay huge fines.  There is a new law that is being enforced that requires any driver with a dog in the car to use a safety car harness.  If your dog is not tucked in with a doggy seat belt, don't be surprised if you get a very nasty ticket for hundreds of dollars.
The fine could possibly be up to $1000 if you are stopped and there is possible jail time as well.

Don't get caught like this in NJ anymore
The new statute in New Jersey, which is  4:22-18, considers unrestrained pets in vehicles is an act of animal cruelty.  Drivers who don’t secure the dog in a pet seat belt will be subject to fines.  The fines range from $250 to $1,000 in addition to the possible jail sentence of up to six months.

Don't let your poodle ride in the car like this in N.J. anymore

Does this sound extreme to you?  It does to me, however, I do see the point to some degree.  I think the fines are a little too stiff, but the idea is to not only safe your pet's life should an accident occur, but also yours.  When an unrestrained dog is moving around in the car and you have to try to handle him or her while driving, it could cause you to lose control of your car momentarily, which can be very dangerous.  It's also a hazard for other drivers as well.

Unless you want to pay up to $1000.00 in fines each and every time you are caught traveling with your pooch that is not restrained properly, I suggest you listen up and get yourself a good harness or doggy seat belt.  You should get one that is suited for your size dog, since they are made for different size pets.  Here is what trips-with-pets had to say about getting a good dog seat belt for your car.

Securing your pet during car travel is essential to ensuring their safety.  There are many ways to properly secure your pet in a vehicle.  Buckling them up in a pet seat belt is a very easy and affordable way to help ensure that your pet stays safe while traveling in your vehicle.  Pet seat belts range in price from about $9 - 

They come in different sizes to accommodate most all sized pets and most are adjustable.
Most pet seat belts attach onto your vehicle's seat belt.  Some come with leads that have a buckle at one end that fits into your vehicle's seat belt receptacle, and the other end of the lead has a clip that attaches onto your pet's harness.  Other pet seat belts have leads that have a loop at one end in which you put your vehicle's seat belt strap through and the other end has a clip which attaches to a harness.

If you choose to give your pet more freedom in the back seat, you can get a pet seat belt that has a zip line which attaches between the two rear passenger side handles, creating a tether which attaches to your pet's harness.
No matter what type of pet seat belt you choose, you must always use a harness - never a collar.  A collar can easily choke or strangle your pet if you stop fast or are in an accident.  In addition, pet's should never ride in the front seat.   Deployed airbags can seriously injure pets.
Original article may be found here

If your dog is used to riding next to you on the seat or laying down in the back seat, it will probably be an adjustment for some dogs.  It all depends upon how easily your dog will adjust to being restrained in a harness for the first time.  Some dogs will adjust quickly and easily, but some will not.  It's very important to get the right size harness or dog seat belt that fits your pup well and can be adjusted easily.  Take a short ride at first, just around the block, to see how it goes.

As soon as you have actually identified the dog seat belt that’s perfect for your puppy, then the first thing you’ll do is most likely readjust it so it fits them snugly. Thereafter, you’ll need to have them trained to adore getting into it – fortunately this procedure is nothing like crate training!

All you really need to do is take them to the car as soon as you can after putting it on and go for a quick drive. This gives you an idea of precisely how well their dog seat belt fits them and whether you need to adjust it, plus it in addition helps your puppy to promptly form an association between this peculiar brand-new object and the car.
Read more from the source here

Remember to make sure you order a harness for your dog or go visit the local pet store to buy one as soon as possible.  Just be forewarned that you must strap your poodle in the car in NJ or pay huge fines

Friday, June 1, 2012

Unwanted Behavior Problems With Your Poodle

Are Unwanted Behavior Problems With Your Poodle causing you some difficulties?  Is it one or two of the persistent character traits you just wish your poodle never made a habit out of?  Trust me when I say that you are definitely not alone.
Lucy still likes to chew the stuffing out of the sofa occasionally, but she's much better than she used to be.  For the most part, all of her less-than-desirable behaviors have been eliminated or else prevented.  For example, she still loves to eat the cat poop out of the litter box.  (Yuchh!!!)  But, since we could not stop her with training, we had to put a baby gate up. 

poodle behavior
Poodles are smart and can be trained and retrained, with some persistent effort
Here are some good tips on how to go about working with difficult behavior modification using various methods and training techniques and commands.

Unwanted Behavior Problems With Your Poodle

What am I to do, you ask? Well, ideally, it’s what you should have done all along – from the beginning. But if you’re reading this you probably need this list.
Here’s the easy short list:
•    Exercise is critical. Constructively manage that energy and provide him with two good walks a day with you or other responsible family member plus toys that dispense kibble (his dry dog food) slowly so that he begins to earn part of each meal by working the toys.
•    Schedule regular dog obedience training exercises on leash in the house. Work on the basic commands to give him a sense of working for you rather than you following his lead. Get him really good at come, sit and down.
•    Put him on an earn-to-learn program to earn his food, toys and love and affection.
•    Make a list of all dog behavior problems you want to fix (like jumping) – and prioritize the list.
•    Make a list of what causes each problem (like a visitor.)
•    Then determine what you would prefer your dog to do (like a sit.)
•    Work on your program daily – on leash and set your goals but don’t push your dog. Enjoy the process!
To get the most from your dog, let him know what you expect of him with your rules.
Set boundaries about your personal space. If he learns to respect your personal space, he will eventually respect the personal space of other family members and your guests.
For your dog to get the most from you, he will figure out (sooner than later) what the results of living by your rules and boundaries will yield: long walks with you – his favorite person and that great dog behavior will get an occasional trip to the beach or park with you.
His best learned lesson is giving before receiving –knowing that he must give a simple sit before he receives anything.
Being consistent with any program takes time. That’s why you should enjoy the process. Take pride in each small step in the right direction.
 See the original article here

 The most common of all of the Unwanted Behavior Problems With Your Poodle seem to be things like barking too much or too often, not walking on a leash properly, coming when called, chewing things and aggressive behavior towards people or other dogs.
Hopefully using some of the tips we shared here, you will have an easier time training the unwanted behaviors out of your poodle.